Over at Jeff's Gameblog, blogmeister Jeff Rients has been working on his own Thundarr the Barbarian material for use with Mutant Future and Labyrinth Lord. In his first post, Labyrinths & Mutants, Jeff proposes 10 new character classes that you may encounter in the World of Thundarr. I like this approach, as a character's "class" defines what a PC can do versus a character's "race" which defines what a character is.
In his follow-up post, bye bye Witch, Jeff narrows down the roles of Wizards, Sorcerers, and Witches and what the essential differences are between the spell-slingers. Lords of Light, but there's some good stuff brewin' over there!
Retrospective: Twilight's Peak
First published in 1980, *Twilight’s Peak* is the third stand-alone
adventure released for *Traveller* and one of the longest. At 64 pages, it
surpasses ...
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