Farewell to one of my favorite over-the-top villains from one of my favorite over-the-top post-apocalyptic films.
In the mutated post-apocalypse, a man with a laser gun can win an argument. A man with two killer attack robots, though, can rule a whole town–and that’s just what Boss Jarvis does, dominating the little fortified settlement called Xitnine. When Jarvis needs someone to fetch new batteries for his mechanical henchmen, his jaded eye falls on the strangers in town… and that’s you. It sounds like a decent job, so long as you ignore the rumors of swarming mutant beasts, robots gone berserk, and deadly fields of radiation.
No new entries today, but I did have time to update The World of Thundarr the Barbarian Sourcebook with a ton of recent new material. This month's updates include:
As always, my plans are to update the sourcebook once a month with any new material added so this will always be up-to-date. Announcements (like this one) will be made whenever an updated file is posted. The full sourcebook will always remain free and available for download over there in the right-hand column.
One note: I may switch gears off of Thundarr for a bit as I have something else in mind for Thursday for a few weeks. Another barbarian in a post-apocalyptic world is hammering at the door and demanding equal time.
In a dark, future wasteland, the Great Cities have risen and fallen. Civilization's grip on mankind has grown weak and arthritic. Dark forces seek to renew forgotten covenants, and primordial beasts reclaim the wilderness. Out of the frozen north, a man emerges - a man of a barbaric age, whose merciless savagery may be the only key to his survival.
Hey gang,
It dawned on me that there may be one or two of you out there who have never seen the opening credits to Thundarr the Barbarian. So, here you go. One note: Watch for the fleeting appearance of the Spellrender - the only time this very cool creature ever appeared in the show. (It shows up between 34 and 37 seconds - yup, only 3-4 seconds was this critter ever on the show.)