But my day wasn't totally non-DCC-related, as I found time throughout the day to work on other DCC- and RPG-related projects. I'll thought I'd drop this photo montage of hints and teases...
Wore my DCC Day t-shirt, which (I think) was only available during the first event. And I only wear it on DCC Days. So after washing, back into the closet it goes for 365 days.
Grabbed this year's offerings (but missed out on the dice).

I really wanted the free DCC Day sticker Goodman Games was giving away with any order, so I went ahead and pulled the trigger on the MCC RPG nightlight they had in stock.

Spent a bit of time writing up some notes for a future MCC project of mine. It's been jokingly referred to it as "MCC: 1889", but the concept is "What if the Martian invasion of 1890 as documented in War of the Worlds was the Great Disaster of Terra A.D.?" Still a ways off though...
Now that in-person gaming and conventions are returning, I spent a few minutes sewing a new OSR patch onto my Bag of Holding.
Like I said, you'll be seeing my name a lot in the coming months. This was just put to bed, in fact.
And for those of you who indulged me and read this to the end, here's a teaser cover for next month's CMGC release, "Wasted". Meet The Doombrewer and "Junebug".
Indulgent, no! All your posts are informative and/or entertaining!! Keep it up, good sir