Hey gang,
Just wanted to remind you that
Goblinoid Games is now accepting submissions for their new Cryptworld supplement!
Current plans are for a release in the late summer/early fall, so the
deadline is approaching faster than a pack of ravenous Ankle Biters. If
you have a favorite Thing you'd like to share with a Fearful World, click the link and download the Submission Guidelines.
And if you're hesitant because you've never statted up a Pacesetter
monster before, the guidelines offer some helpful suggestions on how to
create your own Things for Cryptworld.
Looking forward to seeing what crawls out from under your bed!
[Greyhawk] The Duchy of Tenh
Tenh (the *nh* diagraph is pronounced as a voiced palatal nasal like the
Spanish *ñ*) as the heir to the proud culture of the Flannae. Its people
have m...
That's a great pic of the gigantic, hairy, long-fingered hands underneath the bed!