According to The Elementary School Rumor Mill, only two things were ever going to survive a nuclear war: cockroaches and Twinkies. With a legendary shelf-life nearing that of plutonium, acquiring Twinkies was often a goal on any apocalyptic survivalist's To Do List. Case in point:
Family Guy's "Da Boom" episode took place after a nuclear exchange destroyed the world. As the Griffin family wandered the wastelands, Peter -- remembering that Twinkies can withstand such a disaster -- made it his mission to get the family to the Twinkie factory in a nearby town. When they got there, they saw that the golden spongecakes had indeed survived, feeding them all for years. A new post-apocalyptic village arose around the Twinkie factory ruins.

Apparently, store shelves have been laid bare upon the news, so if you haven't had a Twinkie in a while, you probably missed your chance. And there won't be any after the End of the World either.
(And truth be told, I'm a Zingers man anyway.)
I thought that there were Twinkies in the booth, but Columbus had shot them? I guess I have to rewatch the movie yet again, or at least that scene.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct. I just remembered that the booth didn't pan out "Twinkie-wise," but I had forgotten they were destroyed rather than empty.
DeleteWhy do people think Twinkies are long-lived? They aren't, the filling is sweetened and flavored hydrogenated beef-fat.
Twinkies are (and will still) be available in Canada. Maybe I should become a Twinkie-runner (Twinkie Mule?) and work my way up to Cake Lord. First you get the Twinkies, then you get the power, then you get THE WOMEN!
ReplyDeleteWall E used Twinkies to feed Hal, his pet cockroach.