Over at Jeff's Gameblog, blogmeister Jeff Rients has come up with two very useful charts for those times when you need to randomly determine original animal and/or plant stock. If the player is a mutated animal, what animal did they evolve from? Got a mutant plant NPC? What kind of vegetation do they resemble? Very useful stuff for the initial inspiration of PCs and NPCs. Check them out here:
I also see a use for the Animal Stock table for generating new critters encountered in the Mutant Future...
"Holy crap! It's a dodo-leech!"
Meeting In Xylac - Castles & Castles rpg & The CAS Zothique Campaign-
Session Report Two
The PC's were able to get to the tomb of Ethiusu where a copy of a
necromatic tome called the Books of Ethiusu which contains the secrets of
time and spac...
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