Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 2 (claws)
Damage: 1d6/1d6
Save: L1
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
Cranium Crabs are large hermit crabs who, due to their size, use empty human skulls as their shells. A Cranium Crab is a dull, speckled grey and tan in color, although the bleached white skulls they carry with them stand out in stark contrast. Cranium Crabs are found near large bodies of fresh water, though they can also be located near rivers, lakes, and even ponds. Cranium Crabs are also found in regions where many deaths have occurred, such as battlegrounds, graveyards, ruins of large cities, etc. The creatures have determined that, at such places, there is an ample supply of skulls with which to make their homes. In combat, Cranium Crabs attack with their two claws for 1d6 hit points of damage each.
If a Cranium Crab is in need of a new skull yet cannot locate one laying about, it will make one. A Cranium Crab will wait for a humanoid to pass by. If it sees a victim with an appropriately sized head, the Cranium Crab will trigger its killing sphere mutation. If the mental attack is successful (treat as an attack by a creature with WIL of 7), any creatures within a 25' radius of the Cranium Crab will drop to the ground with only 1 hit point remaining. The victim must also make a save versus stun attacks or be knocked unconscious for 1d10 rounds. Although weakened, the Cranium Crab will approach an unconscious victim and will attack with its claws, usually delivering the final deathblow as the victim lays there. Once the Cranium Crab's strength is back, it will sit on the chest of the corpse and trigger its disintegration mutation. This attack turns the corpse's flesh to dust, leaving behind only a skeleton. The Cranium Crab will then shed its old skull and will move into the new one immediately.
If a band of mutants come across several headless skeletons with empty skulls laying nearby, it's a safe bet they've entered an area Cranium Crabs are frequenting. They'd better hope none of the Cranium Crabs are in need of a new home and lurking nearby...
Mutations: killing sphere, disintegration
[Greyhawk] The Duchy of Tenh
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DeleteWay to make the obvious joke.
That I was totally going to make...
I had no idea what you guys were talking about so I had to go look it up. I'm so out of it...