In a little less than a week, NTRPG Con 2016 will be underway, and Your Friendly Neighborhood Sniderman will be there! I'll have my laptop with me and, as I like to do during my convention sojourns, I'll be live-blogging every day from the event to keep you informed and entertained as to the goings-on at one of the foremost OSR gaming conventions! Stay tuned next week as I post a daily missive from "Deep Inna Hearta"!
Oh, and on a side note: This post marks Post Number 997. So it appears that The Savage AfterWorld will hit Post #1,000 while I'm at NTRPG Con! What wacky plans might I have in store for that milestone? Stay tuned!
As readers of this blog know, I'm a big fan of DIY RPGs, and I love to discover, play, and review those games that have that self-produced aesthetic. Today, I'm reviewing the first self-produced boardgame I've played, and it's becoming a favorite here at the house.
Wayward is a fantastic boardgame by Bruce Hirst of Hirst Arts, better known for fantasy architecture models and molds. Bruce not only designed the game, he also created it, produced it, manufactured it, and sells it directly from his website and at conventions. (Click here if you'd like to see Bruce's site where he discussed how he created Wayward!)
Before I blather on with my opinions, you'd probably like to see the game in action and hear about the gameplay. Well, Bruce has also thoughtfully produced a playthrough video of the game, so rather than having me summarize the game, I'll let him show you how the game works...
To summarize for those folks who don't want to watch a video, you and up to 5 players explore a huge 24" x 36" gameboard. Each turn, you have 12 "actions" in which to explore a forbidden dungeon or medieval village, amassing as much gold as you can while you fight monsters, dodge traps, and explore multiple "special rooms" with their own unique rules and gameplay. Once the endgame is triggered (usually by the first person to accumulate 100 gold pieces), the players have one remaining turn to escape the gameboard through the exit. Failing to do so, and the players are caught by the guards and tossed into jail, losing the game.
I stumbled across a discussion of Wayward on Facebook and, from the description, knew I had to get my hands on it. The initial description gave me a Dungeon! vibe, which is a good thing, as it's one of my favorite games. However, when the huge box arrived and I unpacked the contents, I saw that this game had much, much deeper gameplay.
Rather than just randomly move about the board, the game encourages you to explore and plan your actions. (After all, those 12 actions go fast on your turn!) According to the rulebook, the board is deliberately designed to be "busy" with a lot of objects and things to inspect. Some of those items can be retrieved from the room you're exploring...if you see them before moving on! Grabbing a weapon lets you try to push past the guards and monsters lurking in the shadows. You can access secret passageways to other parts of the complex if you've found a torch. Locked doors will swing open if you have the right lockpick in hand (There are three different ones!) Hourglasses give you more actions on your turn, and tarot cards allow you to reroll the dice. And as you explore, you have to keep an eye on the ever-dwindling endgame goal, as you'll never make it out in time if you're on the other side of the board!
Speaking of the board, look at the size of it! When you've explored every nook and cranny of the dungeon, flip it over and explore the city above ground.
One side features Darrowell Dungeon...
And the other side features Darrowell City!
With two huge areas, there's a lot of explore. And there are a TON of things you can do during the course of play in either area, as there are many unique rooms and zones to discover and explore. Each of these special rooms is marked with a brazier icon with a unique number. You then refer to the rulebook (or the hardy reference card) to determine the specific actions available to you in that area. Fighting a dragon, pickpocketing a guard, and outrunning a flaming gauntlet are just some of the challenges you'll face in the game's 25 special areas. (But I won't discuss them here, and I'll let you discover them for yourself.)
The quality of the game's various parts is very high quality and are built to last. The player inventory cards are laminated for durability, and the gameboard is made of a heavy vinyl. The player pawns, endgame marker, and "retrieval pillar" are nicely designed and cast. And you can spend a LOT of time just looking over the gameboard, as it's truly magnificent. Here are a few scenes (from the creator's website):
One thing that drives me nuts when learning a new game is trying to grok the rules, especially if you're trying to learn the game on your own without an experienced player there to help you out. To combat any rule confusion from new players, Bruce has thoughtfully uploaded videos on his website showing the various rules and gameplay that a player may encounter, walking you through the nuances of the game. So if a special room's conditions are confusing, watch the video for the corresponding room as the game's designer walks you through.
This delightful fantasy adventure boardgame offers plenty of replay value and hours upon hours of dungeon-crawling adventure. And for only $35 plus shipping? It's a no-brainer. I'll be bringing my copy to North Texas RPG in a month. If you want to try it out, look for me there! Sniderman says, "Check it out."
The Savage AfterWorld presents rules, adventures, supplements, and discussion for post-apocalyptic RPGs, focusing on Goodman Games' Mutant Crawl Classics and other systems. (There may also be some boardgame-related material too!) If you wish to contact me, email gameagain at gmail dot com (Replace 'at' and 'dot' with correct symbols though...)
The Savage AfterWorld's DTRPG Storefront!
Check out what I have available at DriveThrough RPG!
The World of Thundarr the Barbarian for Mutant Future
Click the cover to download the free World of Thundarr supplement!
Test of Arms (1988)
From the web:
*Test of Arms* is part of GDW's First Battle series. It covers post-WWII
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Retrospective: Traveller: The New Era
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the idea b...
Gary Con 2025
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hope to do this for many more years to come, but I am not sure how that
The Kingdom of Kestral
The Kingdom of Kestral is the baked-in setting for the Six-Hack RPG by
James Hargrove. You can get the PDF …
Continue reading →
[New Magic Item] Amulet of Household Deities
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it where y...
Wednesday Comics: DC, May 1984 (week 3)
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*Crisis*! This week, I'm looking at the comics Santa might have stuffed in
a stocking ...
What is Mappa Mundi? – Kickstarter Campaign
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The Ever Changing Gaming Prospects for 2025
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the current edition of D&D has led to a close evaluation of options. It has
All About That Base
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my standards. It was a sort of 'stream of consciousness' brain dump of
Delayed Phantasticality
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situation (here and here) in Lawful Great, my gaming blog directory, I
thought it wo...
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snuck up on me this year. A few years ago, I had to create a recurring
2024 Monster Manual on a Business Card
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we have: are 2024 Monster Manual monsters tougher than 2014 monsters? How
much? ...
Players Companion for Shadowdark
*This post includes affiliate links. *
A grabbed a copy of Greg Christopher's Player Companion for Shadowdark a
while back. And since then it has been ...
Atomic Punk 2240 Deal of the Day!
Anyone that follows this blog should know that I love P.A. RPG's! What you
may not know is that while I don't really play video games, I have enjoyed ...
[Dungeon-Wettbewerb] Die Auflösung
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Ruhe angesehen und mich zu einer Entscheidung durchgerungen, welchen ich
für den b...
And Now For Something Completely Different
I'm participating in another blogging challenge this month, the 31 Day
Character Creation Challenge - I opted to make a classic *Traveller*
character each ...
2024 Kickstarters
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additions to the wall of shame and "Lady Ingrade" actually posted a draft
in No...
2024 Retrospective
A pic I thought was cool on FB, just to grab attention.
I didn't do much of anything in 2024. My health took a nose dive this past
year, although, looki...
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figgered what the hell.
*Bats* is terrible. And gets worse the more...
Radioactive Review: 'Bats' (1993)
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figgered what the hell.
*Bats* is terrible. And gets worse the more...
50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons -- Play!
And so, as others have mentioned, we come to the end of the first 50 years
of *Dungeons & Dragons*.
How to celebrate, you ask?
Play *Dungeons & ...
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perhaps men that are cursed to go about the world in the manner of foxes.
Early TSR Modules: A Study in Style
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D1 Descent i...
A Bevy of Beyond the Supernatural Sheets
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New Finds in 2024.
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to live out...
RPG Blog Carnival: Endings
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gets in the way sometimes. I do have a post still in draft for the
September Car...
Monster Stat Concept: Disposition
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The State of the Metal Earth and What's to Come.
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The good news, I suppose is I have had a change in the way I approach game
In the past I...
Cloak of Feathers: Witches of Ganth
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something man has dealt with since the foundations of Wynter. Not born of
hate ...
The Spine of Night Premiering at SXSW Tonight!
*The Spine of Night* will be premiering tonight at *SXSW*. I am extremely
excited about this one! If the past output from Morgan King/Gorgonaut has
been ...
High INT Bonus - "Floating" Spell Slots
*Bonus Slots per Day*
*INT 13-15 +1*
*INT 16-17 +2*
*INT 18 +3 *
High INT Sorcerers gain “Floating” Spell Slot(s), each equivalent to One
Spell Level.
Reevaluating My RPG Gamer (NON) Life
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to suck and make it n...
MANGANI: Ape Folk of the Heroic Age
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found around the world where they are traditionally associated ...
Kosmos RPG: Making a Kosmos character
Character is the heart of every RPG, they say. I wanted to use Metatoy
System but the vastness of species and jobs in a space opera setting just
won't ...
New Year's Day Tradition: Saving the Galaxy!
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Geeklet and returned to Fantasy Flight Games in Roseville to play our homebrew
Star Wa...
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better part of the year I've finally finished it! This year's list has over
450 blo...
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
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Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
Twelve Re-Imagined Treasures...
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the blog here and getting things set up for the near future, I noticed
Glaucus' Re...
The Hanging Cage
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although it can be used with other editions and game systems without much
extra wo...
James's Celebration of Life
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bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
Human Infravision
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scientists gave them the ability to see near-infrared light—a wavelength
not normally vi...
Oh Zak...
Picture of Zak S., aka Zak Smith, aka Zak Sabbeth, aka Zak Shitbag.
I just found out about this today.
Why am I not suppressed?
For those not in the kno...
Mudwarren Zine!
A project I had a hand in was released yesterday.
Evyln Moreau has released the *Mudwarren Zine*, a final compilation of a
community project started on two...
[Allgemein] Kaum zu glauben, aber wahr...
...ich lebe noch! 😯 Ja, ich bin immer noch wegen meiner (chronischen)
Depression und meiner Panikstörung krank geschrieben und es ist auch noch
nicht ausg...
Bonelord-A Villain for Light City
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ago! Enjoy!
Real Name: Clinton Darnell
First Appearance: Mike’s Ama...
Resep Membuat Speculaas Peanuts Cookies Agni
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jadi nangis mubadzir... Syukurlah, bisa jd kukis yang seenak ini.. Gigitan
Regarding ACKS and Autarch LLC
One of the few RPG products that carries my name in the credits is the core *Adventurer
Conqueror King* rulebook. I helped out with editing and proofreading...
Free OSR of the Week: Revised MAZES and MINOTAURS
Looking for a free OSR game with a Greek Mythos theme?
Look no further than MAZES and MINOTAURS. Three core books plus a
companion, all free pdfs.
Gonzo Sci-Fantasy - What is it?
Hello all,
It's been a bit since I blogged on gaming in general. Life has taken over
and I am pretty sure that blogs have been relegated to a bit of a...
10 More Zombie Survival Intro Scenarios
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based on my ad-hoc zombie survival/horror game (which is kinda like a DCC
Funnel b...
Puerto Rico and Caribbean Hurricane Relief Bundle
“Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria a few short weeks ...
Adventure Lookup
This looks like a handy resource :
Looks like more than 200 1e/B/x/osr adventures in the database so far.
Should come in handy next tim...
Eurafrika Attacks! [Campaign Idea]
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with an idea he called Atlantropa. The idea was simple (no, not really) -
he was go...
New Adventure for AZ on the Way
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location based adventure for my zombie apocalypse game, AZ: After Zombies.
When it'...
Living with Immortals
What have I been up to lately? Well, let's see, "lately" encompasses the
608 days since my last post, so the answer is both "quite a lot" and "a
whole lot ...
De Profundis : My First Impression
As DragonCon approached*, I was reminded that I had come across a copy of *De
Profundis: Cthulhu Gaming on the Edge of Madness *in the dealer's hall one
Thanks, Evlyn Moreau
UPDATE: Evlyn is back! Cool. I hear Evlyn Moreau is taking a break. That's
OK; I hope she feels better soon.
But I've really enjoyed her work, and I feel...
Encounter Inspiration #16 - Beware the Back Alleys
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Murderers and thieves prowl the inky black alleys of Ravendale seeking
My Online LL Group is a Treasure
*Members of my "home" Labyrinth Lord group in fall 2010. *
I recently wrote about experiencing DM burnout and consequently placing
both my Labryinth Lord...
TODAY IS Tramp Day: the birthday of David A. Trampier, who left us about 2
years ago in 2014.
Here's one of my fave drawings by him, which I love because t...
The Blank of Four Years
It has been a long time.
My last post was in a long ago November and we're a few months off from the
4th anniversary of me starting this little blog. In th...
The Shrine of Six Fingers
HELLO GAMERS and HAPPY GM’S DAY! I have a special treat for you here, an
enormous shrine dedicated to Graz’zt! You can either use this as part of
Out of th...
WMLP! #7 Update
…and on the seventh issue they rested.
...for, like, over a year. But, behold! The WMLP! crew is back in action
and issue #7 is in the works. Dr. Brainu...
The World Beyond hardcovers published!
Yes, just before the new year, both *The World Beyond Basic Game* and *Samaris
Game Companion *are now available in full color print and pdf from
MFL Mutant Football League
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National Football League. Each sect of the priesthood controls a team,
The Truth About Lies (2015)
Play Full The Truth About Lies in High Definition FormatNow you can download
full The Truth About Lies in HD video with duration 120 Min and has been
The Complete The Oracle
We have a Kickstarter going for The Complete The Oracle, a reprint of a
nearly lost 1980s AD&D fanzine. Funded completely in the first 24 hours,
jump on b...
Gencon Follow-up: My First Time in the Iron Arena!
If you were following a bit of my run up to Gencon posts, you might have
noticed that within the last year I've really gotten back into Warmachine
with m...
Go Vote!!
Remember that poster I worked on a while back? Help us out, and help put my
knowledge of classic D&D to good use!
The Dragons of Poppy Smoke
The Dragons of Poppy Smoke.
When a man signs a contract with Old Scratch, Mr. Scratch, Boruta (or any
local variant of the Devil), with the express p...
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
Fin. With an update
*Updated 2/24/15* - So when I wrote this over three years ago, I had a huge
life project come upon me, it was time to put my energy into something
else. I ...
(SW) Fearsome Critters: Cake Walk
*Savage Worlds* is the role-playing game that bills itself on being "Fast,
Furious, and Fun." Over the years I've played elvish warriors, pulp
Art! Valère Bernard
Just found this guy. I can't find much about him, other than he died in
the 30s. Some seriously awesome stuff, though - I've just spent the last
hour sur...
A really nice scene I caught on my phone the other night while out for a
stroll. The harvest is upon us!!
Well it has been a wonderful spring and ear...
Kickstarters and you
I love Kickstarter, but recently I had a strange revelation. I got my
copy of Weird Wars Rome from Pinnacle Games and did not have the urge run
out an...
Random tables inspired by Amon Amarth
Random tables taken verbatim from the lyrics of Amon Amarth.
1. Guardian of Asgard
2. Son of Thunder
3. Walker on the Wind
4. Deceiver of the Gods
DC Gameday XIV: Casino Karnstein
DC Gameday XIV is coming up on the weekend of March 29th-March 30th and
player registration is already open. After a grueling couple of months of
Happy New Year!
First of all, I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a happy New Year's
Eve celebration. Mine was okay, and I'm kind of glad it's all finally over.
The Ferrowar
Sometimes the most fierce denizens of a dungeon are the smallest.
The Cat-taurs (a name the Ferrowar loathe) are a clannish breed of fae who
dwell in tun...
Meet the Party
I'm back in Poland for a few days. Which means it's time to move my D&D
campaign a bit. I have little time left to the session, so just take a look
at the...
Battlestar Galactica: the boardgame
Just today I had the chance to play the Battlestar Galactica board game,
and to be quite frank, I was impressed. It full-heartedly embraces the
paranoia an...
Post-Apocalyptic / Noir / Fantasy Mash-up
Instead of morphing Cyberpunk 2020 into my steampunk Fey Engine setting, I
am thinking of combining it with the Junkpunk feel I was going for with my
Pathfinder: the Comic Book #1
If you enjoy Role-Playing Games and Comic Books (who doesn't) you should
add this to your pull at your local comic book store. The fine folks at
Paizo an...
Asteroid Dragon
The Asteroid Dragon or "Rock Knucker" is a predator found on rocky moons
and rugged worlds along the fringes of known space. How these monsters have
Rental Equipment As a Business Strategy
During stock tracking, you might normally want to sell off rarely used and
even underused equipment. Turn these obligations into resources instead.
Create ...
Well, we finally did it. I managed to get my family relocated to Edmonton
in Canada. There's a zillion things we are catching up on and trying to do
so I c...
Strength In Numbers
Here's a silly idea I came up with while browsing some 80's retro toy sites
the other day. Collecting comics was my main addiction back then but I
Review: John Carter
This weekend I undertook a trek to the cinema to catch John Carter. I
understand there was a lot of derision aimed at this film when it was
announced some...
Good News! The OSR at GenCon Again!
I'm passing along a post by Bill Barsh of Pacesetter Games &
Simulations... :-)
I would like to announce that for the second straight year, there will be ...
Have a great 2012!
While all activity on this blog ceased suddenly and unexpectedly the
reasons for it where sound in retrospective. I wish you all a happy and
great 2012 and...
Games last night on google+
Circles is the key I think. Sort of like firewalls, you can basically
attach labels to people in your circles, creating chat rooms, adventuring
groups of p...
Actual Dungeon Design
With Issue 2 being the first to feature an actual dungeon level (Level 1 is
in layouts/waiting for one more article to complete), I've decided to put
to pa...
BX Companion!
I realize this blog is dead, but I had top post this somewhere.
I am the proud owner of the BX Companion. This is a project i have been
excited for for ...
Some of the art used in this blog was glommed from random places on the Internet and is used without permission. No rights are implied or assumed. If you are the original owner and would like it removed, please drop me a line and I shall be happy to do so. Thank you.