Tomorrow I'll be heading to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio, for a one-day-only whirlwind of gaming and shopping. It's been a while since I've been to a convention for only one day -- especially one as large as Origins -- so I plan to cram in as much as I possibly can in a limited amount of time. And, as always, join me for a "you are there" travelogue as I bring you my experiences from throughout the convention!
What makes this convention visit even more exciting is that I've put forth a challenge to myself as spelled out in a previous blog post. To show folks that you don't need a bottomless wallet of cash or unlimited credit card accounts to attend let alone ENJOY a gaming convention, all of tomorrow's activities will be funded SOLELY by a jar of loose change I've accumulated in 7 1/2 months. As I explained in "Change Your Convention Attendance," I have turned in this jar of change to my bank for some crisp foldin' bills, and everything I do and purchase will come from this "found money" fund. And if I can have a convention-rockin' good time with just my pocket change -- without cutting corners or denying myself anything I truly want -- you can do the same, proving you CAN afford to go to that game con you've always wanted to attend if you just apply some self-discipline and start saving the coinage.
So the challenge is set. I turned in my saved coinage to the bank this afternoon and have set aside my meager funds. Tomorrow I'll enjoy myself and tell you alllll about it in a Live From Origins travelogue. And at the end of the day, I'll reveal how much I took with me, what my expenses and purchases were, and how successful the "Change Your Convention Attendance Challenge" was! Wish me luck!
OSR Commentary & Review On Zozer Games 43AD - Roleplaying in Roman Occupied
"43AD is a gritty military-style game with a slice of dark horror running
through it. Life is grim and the world of the native Britons is painted in
I think this is a really cool thing to take on. Good luck!
ReplyDelete(Also, thanks to Delowara Begum for the soccer feeds. Very topical and hopefully not viruses.)
Have fun!