Early bird registration for Gary Con V opens this Sunday! The convention itself runs March 14-17 in Lake Geneva, WI. Early registration opens Sept. 16 with quite a special offer! For $40, you get a full 4-day badge as well as a full set of all three Gary Con stadium cups! What's so special about these logo-emblazoned tumblers? Well, with one in-hand, you get $1 soda and $3 Spotted Cow for all three days of the convention as well as FREE soda and beer during the daily Happy Hour! A set of these cups normally runs $25. But free collectible cups that come filled with cheap and/or free Spotted Cow for all three days? An awesome deal, to be sure. Plus, other Early Bird registration offers will be available such as premium badges and pre-ordering Gary Con collectibles!
Already have my room booked, will be registering this weekend, and I'm putting my games together now so I'm prepared when event registration goes live. Why, yes, I *will* be running Mutant Future Thundarr the Barbarian again! (Although it will be a completely new "episode"!)
Meeting In Xylac - Castles & Castles rpg & The CAS Zothique Campaign-
Session Report Two
The PC's were able to get to the tomb of Ethiusu where a copy of a
necromatic tome called the Books of Ethiusu which contains the secrets of
time and spac...
Just booked my room. I hope to play in your Mutant Future game, but I'll have to admit, I'll need to brush up on my Thundarr Lore. It's been a long while.